Guías de Viaje

Interactive Map

Instructions: Some of the parts of this map are interactive. Position the pointer of your mouse over the area you want to see. If there is an associated picture, the cursor will change and you will be able to click for a picture at your left. Try with spot number 2 (Sapo fall).

1 - Sapito (little frog) fall

2 - El Sapo (frog) fall

3 - Ara fall

4 - Hacha (Ax) fall

5 - Wadaima fall

6 - Golondrina (swallow) fall

7 - Ucaima fall

8 - Lovers beach

9 - Kaunwaripa village

10 - Park administration

11 - Edelca camp

12 - Indian trail

13 - Petroglifos

14 - Passenger terminal

15 - Inparques

16 - Medical first aid

17 - Church

18 - School

19 - Maloka village

20 - Pemón church

21 - Ucaima landing field

22 - Ucaima port

23 - Little beach

A - Bernal Tours

B - Kusari Inn

C - Kaikuse Inn

D - Parakaupa Restaurant

E - Tiuna Tours

F - Makunaima

G - Canaima Tours

H - Jiménez brothers camp

I - Canaima Souvenirs

J - Salto Angel store

K - Hoturvensa Camp

L - Wey Tepuy camp

M - Restaurant Simon

N - Kamaracoto Tours

O - Kaikarwa Tours

P - Ucaima camp

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Map of Venezuela - Detailed Map of Venezuela

Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada - Mapa del parque nacional Sierra Nevada

Maps - This is a tropical forest region with no roads. All transportation is done by air. To the North, you can see the Canaima Lagoon. Notice also the Angel Falls (Salto Angel) that come from the Auyantepuy

Map of Los Roques - Map of Los Roques

Map of the Morrocoy National Park - Map

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