
Starting January 1st, 2008, Venezuela has a new currency called "Strong Bolivar", although it will be called "bolivar", for short. The "Bolívar fuerte or Strong Bolívar" is equal to old bolivares divided by 1000. For exp, if in 2007 you had 50.000 bolivares, they became to be Bs. 50,00 after January 1st, 2008

Bill notes

New bills are horizontal on one side and vertical on the other. You will find bills of 100,50,20,10, 5 and 2.

Billete de 100 bolívares

Billete de 50 bolívares

Billete de 20 bolívares

Billete de 10 bolívares

Billete de 5 bolívares

Billete de 2 bolívares


Monedas venezolanas


If bills are horizontal on both sides, that means they are old Bolivars, and their value must be divided by 1000, to convert to new bolivares. So if you see a 10.000 bolivar bill, it is in fact 10 bolivares. Still by June 2009 old bills and new bills are available, but there are not too many old bills and coins in circulation

Source: Banco Central de Venezuela

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