Guías de Viaje

Farm la fé Corozopando
Camaguán, Portuguesa river, San fernando de Apure

Palm trees in Estero

In this visit you exit the farm towards the south. A few minutes afterwards you cross the spring of Camaguan. During the rainy season you can watch the palm trees of the Llanos flooding in the water, which is typical of the Llanos.

Then you reach the Portuguesa river, a tributary river of the Apure, where you can have a ride by boat in search of the river dolphins. Possibly you will be able to see them and with skill and luck you will be able to film them.

Silhouettes in the Portuguese river

You continue the road until you cross the Apure river where you reach the capital of the state, San Fernando de Apure. In the walk by the river bank there is a market where you can see the fish of the river such as the catfish or Dorado (another fish).

Fisher man with a gold fish (Big)

Colloquial bed

River in San Fernando de Apure

Huses in San Fernando de Apure

Herons before sunset in plains

The time of returning is calculated so you can see the sunset in the swamp. It is just marvelous. The herons crowd the trees getting ready to spend the night, while the sun slowly gets down at the horizon, dying the sky with unbelievable colors.

Sunset in Plains

Sunset in Plains

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