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The exotic tropical flora park San Felipe - Yaracuy

Pretty close to San Felipe, capital of Yaracuy State, there is one of the largest and most beautiful parks in Latin America, whose name well describes what it keeps. In this park you have the chance to watch over 250 different floral species from all the tropical regions of the world.

The exotic tropical flora park San Felipe - Yaracuy

You can tour the place either walking, in a horse cart or in an electric one as it suits you best, but no matter how you do it, the pleasantness of the tour is guaranteed. The freshness from the treeS, the magnificent sight of all the floral species that have been planted during the last ten years. The landscape architecture, superbly designed by the French architect and botanist Jean Phillipe Toze, is one of the park features that makes this visit unforgettable.

Electric cart for the tour
Electric cart for the tour


Cintita begonia ginger trompa de elefante
Cintita begonia ginger trompa de elefante



Ornamental miniature banana plant
Ornamental miniature banana plant

If you want to see more photos from the park, Click Here

Next to the park there is the Mision Nuestra Señora del Carmen (Our Lady del Carmen Mission) founded in 1720 by Friar Joseph de Cadiz a capuchin missionary. Inside the premises, there are several first class restaurants, a bar and a small museum. The Monk, one of the restaurants is likely to be one of the top gourmet places of the region.



If you want to spend some days in this extraordinary spot, surrounded by nature, away from urban noise and stress, we suggest you click on the next link to get more details and make your reservation.

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Colorful caterpillars - This red, white and black caterpillar, is sending a precise visual message to whoever observes it and distinguishes its coloration: the combination of red, white and black usually means poisonous, stinging, indigestible or of unpleasant flavor and scent.

Cuare Nature Reserve - To the south of Chichiriviche, in the Morrocoy Nacional Park, the Cuare Natural Reserve can be found, called that way because it is a shelter for Wildlife animals, particularly birds.

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