Los Llanos - The Plains


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Center of Venezuela - In this region are located the states of Carabobo with the booming city of Valencia (and its port Puerto Cabello), Aragua and its capital Maracay, the national park Henry Pittier, the fabulous beaches of Choroni, Chuao, Cuyagua and Colonia Tovar, an uniqu

Western Venezuelan Regions - The western region besides being a booming industrial and commercial pole offers a great deal of tourist attractions. Falcon State stands out for the wide range of destinations it offers to tourists. On one side you have Morrocoy National Park a huge natu

Guayana - One of the oldest geological regions as well as unspoiled places on earth is that one located to the South of the Orinoco River. It is a unique luscious land with magnificent landscapes, chosen in many opportunities as the natural scenery for films like S

Venezuela's east - The eastern region of Venezuela is one of the preferred tourist destinations, thanks to the quality of its beaches, the interest of its towns and villages, and the friendliness of its people.

La Gran Sabana - La Gran Sabana (The great plain) is located inside Venezuela's biggest national park: Canaima, in the Bolivar state south. It is an unique place with views that you will not see anywhere else in the world. This national park has two very different parts:

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